Update from Irv Leroux/Duty of Care

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/01/21

Here's an update from Irv Leroux, the courageous taxpayer battling CRA in the duty of care case. For more on the campaign, click here.

The Duty of Care decision in my case last April 30, 2014 is a huge win for me and for all Canadian taxpayers, but the decision didn't go far enough in holding CRA accountable for its actions. 
CRA and the Dept. of Justice is: a) appealing the duty of care decision and b) coming after me for their costs. 

I am (we are) defending the duty of care.

Court documents were filed by both sides on December 15, 2014 in the BC Court of Appeal.  Both sides have until mid-February 2015 to file supporting documents and then a hearing date will be set later this year.

Justice costs a lot of money in our system.  The CTF and all supporters are helping me go the distance to pay a powerful legal team to fight the giant Department of Justice and CRA.   So far, generous donations have assisted me with close to 25% of my legal costs.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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